What is SQL injection and Cryptography?

SQL Injection

SQL Injection is a technique used to take advantage of non validated input vulnerabilities to pass sql commands through a web application for execution by a back-end database.

Although SQL injection is a flaw in web applications and not a database or web server issue.

SQL(structural query language) is a textual language used by a database server. SQL commands used to perform operations on the database that include insert,select,update and delete. Programmers use these commands to manipulate data in the database server.

Programmers use sequential sql commands with client supplied parameters making it easier for attackers to inject commands. attackers attempt to execute random sql querries on a database server through a web application.


It is the practise of converting plain text message into understandable message and then sentover network to the enduser.

Cryptography in networks is used for securing the communication transmission.
The way the data is available in human understandable language converted into non-understandable language with the support of ciphers are called encryption.

The method of converting non-understandable language into human understandable language with support of cipher is called decryption.

Ciphers: These are algorithms with which data is encrypted.

Types of Ciphers

1. Classical Cipher.

2. Modern Cipher.

-- Classical ciphers are of 2 types

     1. Substitution cipher.
     2. Transposition cipher.

-- Modern Ciphers are of 2 types

   1. The key with which content is encrypted.
       i) Public Key.
      ii) Private key.

   2. The data with which content is encrypted.
       i) Stream Cipher.
       ii) Block Cipher.

Objectives of Cryptography

1. Confidentiality.

2. Integrity.

3. Authenticity.

Types of Cryptography

1. Symmetric Encryption

2. A-symmetric Encryption.

3. Hashing function.

List of popular Ciphers

1. AES

2. RSA

3. RC(4,5,7)

4. DES






10. ATOM 128

11. MEGAN-35

List of popular Hashing functions

1. Message digest (MD2,MD4,MD5)

2. SHA (secure hashing algorithm)



5. CRC32

6. BASE 64

7. ROT13


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