Kali Linux

Kali Linux is Debian based Linux Distro which used by most of the Security researchers and penetration testers for pen testing of software's, websites, networks etc. It was developed by the Offensive Security Team.

Kali Linux on high usage become quite unstable but that's only on high usage hope you understood what I want to tell you. Kali Linux being a Debian based Linux performs unusual sometimes, but the researchers are striving hard to keep the OS as good as possible. 

It comes with 600 preinstalled tools for penetration testing which gives Kali Linux a tag of the best penetration testing OS till date.

Kali Linux is said to be a modified or you can call it as updated version of Backtrack OS. Which was back in the past was considered as the best OS for hacking. Backtrack till date is remembered for its high performance and precise results. Some researchers till use Backtrack. 

I personally never used Backtrack but would love to use it once, and will share my experience of using backtrack with my blog readers.

Kali is useful for professionals as well as the beginners as it offers good user interface and a lot of tools have GUI version of themselves which removes the barrier between the professional and beginners as the beginners can perform the same scans as the professionals do by giving commands.

Kali Linux latest version has really good UI than the kali older one which makes the operating system look handier.

The power of the Linux is in the usage of open source. The greatest amongst all.

I will be telling you more about Kali Linux and will also start with the Website penetration testing guides later on my blog.


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