Cyber War

Information Warfare or InfoWar

   source: ""


"The term info war refers to use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to take competitive advantages over an opponent."


Suppose there is a mobile company say, Samsung, Samsung has developed a new android with lots of features and options in that particular phone. The phone has not yet released it's just in the testing stages, and another company named ABC, tries to hack the Samsung database to steal the information about that particular project. This is called info war.

Defensive Info War

It refers to all the strategies and actions to defend against attacks on ICT assets (properties). It includes prevention, alerts, detection, emergency preparedness and incident response for cyber attacks coming through the internet.

Offensive Info War

It refers to all strategies and actions to attack against ICT assets. It includes Web Application attacks, Web Server Attacks, Malware attacks, Man in the middle attacks and system hacking through the internet.

Digital Security

Risk-free from danger, theft and damage of your digital information is known as the digital security.

Elements of Security

1. Confidentiality.

2. Integrity.

3. Availability.

4. Authentication.

5. Non-repudiation.

Penetration Testing

It is a method of evaluating the security of an organization by simulating an attack to find out vulnerabilities that an attacker could exploit. Testing involves active analysis of system configuration. design weakness, network architecture, technical problems and vulnerabilities.

A comprehensive report or detailed report with details of vulnerabilities discovered and a suite of recommended countermeasure is delivered to the executive, management, and technical audiences.

note: From the next posts onwards it will be purely about how to start with your ethical hacking.

More about Ethical Hacking will be in my next post "Networking Fundamentals"

suggestion for better understanding read from the first 


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